Sunday, May 3, 2009


I have been so involved in my little garden! I water it every morning early and watch for things to grow or bloom. In my compost pile all kinds of mystery plants are coming up!! It's so fun to wonder what they will be. They are from seeds and vegetable scraps we have thrown in there.

I have a mole on one side of my garden. he is sure digging up my soil for me. ha! So far he hasn't destroyed any plants. The dogs have made a bigger mess trying to dig him up.

I have seen quail, cardinals, doves, and all kinds of birds out there. I've also seen my wild cat, Lily Thornberry out there hiding, trying to get them. By the way, Katy named the cat Lily, and Billy chose the last name.

So, my front yard containers are doing really well. I have snapdragons, petunias, carnations, columbines, hollyhocks growing. Also, Vinca and snapdragons and morning glories growing in front of the porch.

I just love this time of year!!!

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