Saturday, April 12, 2008

Gardening in the Wind

I have been gardening-well, watering my plants, keeping them growing. We had horrible wind the past 3 days and being outside was not a good feeling. There was ice on the bird water containers this morning, but none of my plants froze. I have some planted in front of my porch and there is a wall surrounding them, so they might be in a microclimate which provides protection.
My Columbine is blooming, and also my Snapdragons. I have been taking pictures to put online so I can post them here. My flower seeds sprouted, so in a month I hope to see them growing and blooming soon. I am watering my bamboo a lot so it will get a good start also.
So, now all we need is rain! We haven't had any in so long. It would make a huge difference as things seem to bloom better with rain.
Also, rabbits have managed to eat anything coming up in my garden area, except for the mexican cactus I transplanted, and since I have several water containers for birds, there are always some to watch out there. I may have to be satisfied with trees and grass out there, or grow some hanging plants, out of reach of the rabbits.
So, hopefully, soon I will have some pictures on this blog.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Spring Planting and watering

I planted flower seeds last week, and dug up some plants at a friend's house to bring home and transplanted those. I planted poppies, black eyed susan, carnations, columbine, hollyhock, morning glory, and a few other seeds and plants. I've also been watering my grass and it is coming back to green now! I love this time of year.
On the other hand, it's also time to rake and burn weeds. I've spent a few early mornings doing that before the wind starts up. The main reason for doing so is-we are in a drought here in central NM and the fire danger is high. I want to keep a clear area around my house.
So, some of my flower seeds are coming up! I watch daily to see how much they've grown. I also worry about the things I planted in the back yard because rabbits eat almost everything.
I think I'll have to put some garden pictures on a CD and post them on here. The pictures I scanned wouldn't work on here.