Monday, March 30, 2009

WIND AGAIN................

It is again cold and windy all day today. I can't get at all enthusiastic about working outside in this weather. I've turned my attention to spring housecleaning. Washing curtains, windows, moving furniture, and finding plenty of dust!! Living in an old adobe house seems to invite dust.

My outdoor plants are doing well, despite the wind and cold. A hollyhock with huge leaves is coming up in the barrel planter. I think I must have stuck the hollyhock seeds in there sometime last summer. I can't wait until it blooms!!

I am so looking forward to greenery!! Tired of bare branches and brown earth, and of course, blowing weeds, which I need to burn soon.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Woke up yesterday morning to snow! None all winter to speak of, and now we have some. There is an old wives tale I heard somewhere, that you don't plant anything in the spring until the snow on the mountains has melted.I guess I'll heed that advice somewhat. I'm so anxious to go buy plants. I'm going to try for some native plants this year. Salvia is a good one for butterflies and hummingbirds. I need plants that can stand drought and heat really well.

Excuse the erratic size of the letters I've been typing. Everytime I made a mistake and corrected it, the format of my blog changed. Or maybe I'm just not awake yet. ha!

I do have some perennials which are coming up and doing well. I love that! Something to look at and take care of, for now.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spring is mostly here!

Today I went outside and worked for a while. I am dying to go buy plants, but I'm waiting another week or so because I'm afraid we'll have another bad frost.

I put compost in my raised bed, planted some seeds saved from last year in my tire planters, a few other seeds in various spots too. I'm watering more often now because things are growing.

My "garden" is just mainly a place for me to go and find serenity. It is decorated with recycled things, and may not look perfect but it's just right for me. I like to sit out there on my bench and just think.

Now the dogs go out there with me and get their exercise while I work. The cat meows from it's hideout under the shed roof to let us know she wants to be fed.

I saw a quail run across the back of the property today. That was a real treat for me. They haven't been coming to the garden yet for water, but I hope they do this summer.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Raised Planter

Bobby built me a nice high planter. I just can't wait to plant seeds and new plants in it. The rabbits can't get to it at all!! I saved a lot of seeds I want to try out.

We're having rain and it is so welcome. I hope it continues for a while. I have some morning glories coming up because, for some reason, they sprout the minute it rains!

There is a plant coming up in my barrel planter that I think is a hollyhock. I can't wait til it blooms. I had no luck growing them last year. I don't know why.

Well, my fingers are itching to plant!! Shouldn't be long now.